Letter to Poucher from HK – 12th to 19th May

photo 1photo 2Well Poucher , old son this is the quickie version as Big Guy is in gear for the long one!

A week in Hong Kong and what a week it was! You were featured in 3 separate schools starting in Kowloon Tong, finishing in Kennedy Town and with Repulse Bay in between!

It’s a different scenario in a school which is accessed by an elevator and not a green paddock or indeed any kind of playground in sight! However this doesn’t deter 60 or so kids being fascinated by our wide, open spaces and all animals
Australian and otherwise.

Big Guy was his usual brilliant entertaining self and by the by I havephoto 3discovered he Is a snake according to the Chinese horoscope – one boy picked it in one when we were all doing a lot of hissing!

Enough of that, there were other fish to steam – most importantly an Art Exhibition in that famed thoroughfare of the Art World in HK – Hollywood Rd. Works by four Australian women including your humble illustrator!

Restaurants were frequented by all 12 of us as we cut a swathe through HK and with us were those 2 indomitable shoppers Brooke and Belinda who boosted the 8 million population in the quest for consumer award #no 1 ! They were also the support team for the Poucher Events and very efficient they were too!photo 4

photo 5As you know Poucher, “all good things come to an end”, so lets hear all the other good things from BIG GUY!

Your humble illustrator KATE

PS we would like to think all good things etc means a ‘happy ending’ but have learnt that in translation to Mandarin it is a sad state of affairs – life isn’t so straight forward after all….


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